Milk Stork Blog

Cory N.

Written by Kate Torgersen | May 13, 2018

I had my son Brock on 12/20/17. After just starting with a new company and as the bread winner, I had NO maternity and was required to use all my vacation time in lieu of an alternative. I spent three short weeks with my newborn son.

My job requires I travel 60% of the time and am on plane after plane. This gave me so much anxiety initially. I believe whole heartedly in the benefits of breast milk over formula. My 2 YO was breast milk fed until he was 9 mos. So I was determined to make it to at least 6 mos for Brock.

All I can say is that it is a straight up slug fest. Nothing is easy about this, nothing comfortable, or even convenient. But it’s the right thing to do!

I relied on milk stork for one long trip in particular and chose to use this premium service over my normal TSA nightmare. It was a dream! I wish I could afford every trip every week to be accompanied by MS.

– Submitted by Cory N., Sales Exec