Moms’ Equal Pay Day, June 10th, 2019

By on June 10, 2019

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Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day. This day marks how far into 2019 moms must work to catch up to make what dads earned in 2018. Coined the “motherhood penalty” by sociologists, this wage gap refers to the systematic disadvantages working mothers face – working moms are less likely to be hired, less likely to be perceived as competent at their jobs, and less likely to receive equal pay and benefits, as compared to working dads and even fellow women colleagues who are not mothers.

The problem is only getting worse – this year, Moms’ Equal Pay Day lands on June 10, a full 11 days AFTER 2018’s Moms’ Equal Pay Day, marking the largest wage gap for moms in five years. On average, moms in the workforce earn $0.69 for every $1.00 dads make.

Below is a curated list of resources on the issue, going beyond the gap between working moms and dads. Women of color also face an uphill battle when it comes to gender equality in the workforce. Let’s make a conscious effort to educate ourselves and others in order to spread awareness and effect change. For all #momsonamission.

“Employers, it seems, have not yet caught up to the fact that women can be both mothers and valuable employees.”  The New York Times

The data about the motherhood penalty and the fatherhood bonus presents a clear-cut look at American culture’s ambiguous feelings about gender and work. Even in the age of “Lean In,” when women with children run Fortune 500 companies and head the Federal Reserve, traditional notions about fathers as breadwinners and mothers as caregivers remain deeply ingrained.

“Working moms possess the very leadership skills needed to succeed in today’s workplace.” – Modern Family Index 2018

Much has been written about the ‘motherhood penalty’ in the workplace. Stereotypes — that women are the primary caregivers or that it’s their duty to be at home and raise children

— mean working moms are often perceived to be less committed or less competent than other employees. This penalty impacts a woman’s hiring and promotion potential. It also extends to a wage gap that’s evident not only between men and women, but also between women who are moms and those who do not have children.

In 2018, Bright Horizons® commissioned the Modern Family Index, a study conducted by Kelton Global that explores the “motherhood penalty” that keeps working moms from career-advancing opportunities.

How can we overcome the motherhood penalty and help companies, leaders and employees think and behave differently?” – Forbes

This Forbes article outlines some viable action steps to change the gender age gap equation, from workplace practices that employees can take, to policies companies can adopt to level the playing field.

The House Just Passed a Bill to Close the Gender Pay Gap – VOX

House Democrats easily passed the Paycheck Fairness Act on March 27 — their latest in a long series of attempts to make sure women and men are paid equally.  To give you a sense of how long bill author Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) has been fighting for this cause, she first introduced the bill in 1997. The bill now faces an uphill battle in the Senate.

Support the Paycheck Fairness Act by writing to your Senator here.

Why American Moms Are Seriously Struggling – USA Today

American mothers are struggling. Economic, cultural and even technological changes have dramatically altered the landscape of motherhood in recent decades, piling on new pressures and needs. Read how.

“Overall, the average woman made 80 cents for every dollar earned by a white man. The gap is far greater for women of color.” – HuffPost

Hispanic and Latina women earned 47 percent less than white men; black and African American women earned 39 percent less; American Indian and Alaska Natives earned 42 percent less; and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders earned 32 percent less. Learn more about the debate on pay inequality.

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