Milk Stork Blog

Posts by Kate Torgersen

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting working parents is more than just the right thing to do—it’s a strategic business decision. Let's explore the importance of supporting working parents and the tangible benefits it brings to businesses with key insights from our webinar “How HR Leaders Can Unlock the Power and ROI of Parental Support Programs" with industry expert Kortney Ross. Legal Compliance: The Foundation Compliance with the PWFA and the Pump Act is the bottom floor of supporting working parents in your organization. These…

4 Self-Care Tips By Robin Long
Family Health

4 Self-Care Tips By Robin Long

We’re very excited to share a few self-care tips brought to you by Robin Long, CEO and Founder of the online wellness group, The Balanced Life. This super mom of four is passionate about helping moms relieve their stress while also providing uplifting tools and encouragement. Tune into Robin’s latest episode of The Balanced Life Podcast to hear her discuss all things motherhood with our CEO and Founder, Kate Torgersen. Nursing, pumping, holding your baby, and being a mom are…

How to Survive Daylight Savings Time, Easy Tips from a Sleep Consultant
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How to Survive Daylight Savings Time, Easy Tips from a Sleep Consultant

We are so excited to talk to Michelle McNeil, a mom of three, registered nurse, and pediatric sleep consultant, about something all parents need more of, SLEEP! From development during the Wonder Years to tips on how to gradually shift your child’s natural clock for daylight savings (this year it is the day after Halloween – BOOOO!) to managing sleep regression during the turmoil of a pandemic, Michelle is an incredible resource for families with babies and toddlers. Tell us…

How To Naturally Increase Your Milk Supply
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How To Naturally Increase Your Milk Supply

One of the early wonders of becoming a mother is the bonding and attachment that comes with breastfeeding your baby. Of course, every breastfeeding relationship is different. Whether it getting a good latch, surviving cluster feedings or establishing and maintaining your milk supply, breastfeeding often takes hard work and some good old fashioned trial and error to get things rolling and to keep ’em going. Breastfeeding is a supply and demand relationship. When feedings increase, your body responds to the…

How One Mom Tackled Breastfeeding in the NICU
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How One Mom Tackled Breastfeeding in the NICU

The United States has one of the highest rates to preterm births in the world. Each year approximately 1 in 10 U.S. babies are born too early — before 37 weeks. The moment they are born, these babies begin their journeys in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). For preemies, breast milk can be critically important to their progress, however, for the mothers of premature babies initiating milk production and breastfeeding can be extremely difficult. September is NICU Awareness Month…

How to move during COVID-19 — and to do it safely!
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How to move during COVID-19 — and to do it safely!

With COVID, work from home (WFH) and distance learning, American families are picking up and moving out. Whether it is to reduce their living costs or improve their quality of life, 26% of Americans are considering moving due to COVID. Moving during these unprecedented times does not come without its challenges – especially when relocating your family, but it doesn’t have to be a scary experience. All it takes is some additional planning, patience and plenty of hand sanitizer! Here…

Take the Damn Leave
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Employers

Take the Damn Leave

Leading by Example Means Taking Paternity Leave With Father’s Day just around the corner, we want to bring attention to the issue of paid family leave in the U.S. and, specifically, paternity leave. Who better to talk about this important issue than our friend, Andrew Doan, a dad of three and one of the founders of Bokee, the one-handed bottle prep accessory. I wanted to take a minute to talk about the issue of paid family leave in the US…

Co-Regulating with Children During COVID-19
Family Health

Co-Regulating with Children During COVID-19

Did you know that your children co-regulate with you? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When your children are feeling dysregulated (or out of sorts) for one reason or another, they are looking to you to help bring them back to calm. In times of uncertainty like these, as parents, we must be the calm presence our kiddos need to be able to downregulate. Downregulate – “The process of reducing or suppressing a response to a stimulus” (Merriam-Webster) Basically, if you’re not calm, your babies…

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents

McHenry, IL March 04, 2020— A survey of more than 2,000 working moms found that a majority of women feel they lack the support they need to continue breast milk feeding when they return to work after baby. The survey, conducted in January 2020 by Medela, Mamava, and Milk Stork – the partners behind New Moms’ Healthy Returns— sought to better understand the challenges breastfeeding mothers face when returning to work, as well as to identify opportunities for employers to…

Moms on a Mission – Audrey McLoghlin
Workplace Support

Moms on a Mission – Audrey McLoghlin

Audrey McLoghlin, founder of Frank & Eileen and Grayson, jokes that she should write a book called “How to Get up at 5 am. and Still be Late to the Office.” As a new mom and CEO of two retail brands, she says the challenge of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship “took her breath away.” But it also opened her eyes to what she calls an undeniable truth: women, especially moms, are real-life superheroes. “Growing up, my mom had three kids…

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