Milk Stork Blog


RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

With return-to-office mandates in full swing, employees are adjusting to a new reality—and breastfeeding parents in particular are facing unique challenges. For breastfeeding employees, the abrupt shift back to in-office work means quickly navigating pumping schedules, finding private spaces, and ensuring they have the time they need to express breast milk. For employers, it means acting fast to ensure compliance with federal laws like the PUMP Act. Understanding the PUMP Act The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) Act, signed into…

Why It’s Time to Make Your Company’s Breastfeeding Policies Public Knowledge
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

Why It’s Time to Make Your Company’s Breastfeeding Policies Public Knowledge

So here you are, feeling like you’ve got this whole pumping-at-work thing under control. You’ve researched and adhered to the most recent pumping and breastfeeding workplace requirements. You’ve created a breastfeeding policy that lives in that giant binder of policies and procedures on your desk (and your hard drive). You’ve updated the company’s Intranet, so that a digital copy of the policy can be easily obtained by any employee who looks for it. And you may even have signage posted…

Breast Pumping Schedules in the Workplace
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Employers

Breast Pumping Schedules in the Workplace

Working in HR means addressing a variety of important issues and maintaining a comfortable and productive environment among employees. Every employee who comes through the door has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, as well as different personalities and personal challenges. For new moms, knowing when and where they will be allowed to pump during their workday is often a top concern. Consider Sarah. A first-time mom returning from maternity leave sitting in front of you asking questions about…

Elizabeth Keehart Bertani
Workplace Support, Employers

Elizabeth Keehart Bertani

I had signed up to go on my oldest son’s 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. before I thought about the fact that I would still be breastfeeding our 7 month old. While trying to figure out the logistics of how I was going to manage pumping and then getting milk back to Missouri, I stumbled across an ad for Milk Stork. The boxes were waiting at our hotel when I checked in. FedEx was being a bit difficult…

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