Milk Stork Blog


RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

With return-to-office mandates in full swing, employees are adjusting to a new reality—and breastfeeding parents in particular are facing unique challenges. For breastfeeding employees, the abrupt shift back to in-office work means quickly navigating pumping schedules, finding private spaces, and ensuring they have the time they need to express breast milk. For employers, it means acting fast to ensure compliance with federal laws like the PUMP Act. Understanding the PUMP Act The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) Act, signed into…

Employer Tips: Complying With the PUMP Act to Support New Mothers
Workplace Support, Employers

Employer Tips: Complying With the PUMP Act to Support New Mothers

Large corporations increasingly recognize the importance of family-friendly policies to attract and retain top talent. The recent U.S. legislation, the PUMP Act, is a significant step toward supporting nursing mothers in the workplace. Here, we look at the specifics of the new legislation and what steps enterprises are taking to support new mothers beyond mandates. Understanding the PUMP Act The PUMP Act, or Providing Urgent Maternal Protections, was signed into law in December 2022. Under this law, all companies must:…

Pumping, Working, Traveling: Challenges for New Moms In the Workplace
Travel Tips, Pumping & Feeding, Employers

Pumping, Working, Traveling: Challenges for New Moms In the Workplace

New moms returning to work encounter distinctive challenges that often go unnoticed. The delicate balance of managing career responsibilities, particularly involving travel, while navigating the demands of infant care can be an incredible task. This is compounded when that mother is breastfeeding. The ability to pump and deliver that nourishment to their baby while on the road is an intense undertaking that requires significant support. For employers, understanding and addressing these challenges isn't just a matter of empathy or compliance;…

How to Prepare Your Breastfeeding Baby for Daycare: A Step-by-Step Guide
Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

How to Prepare Your Breastfeeding Baby for Daycare: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting your little one ready for daycare might feel like a big task. Transitioning your breastfeeding infant to daycare requires thoughtful planning to ensure a smooth experience. Here are some practical steps to prepare you and your baby for this exciting new chapter. Establish a Feeding Routine for Daycare: To align with the daycare schedule, consider gently transitioning from on-demand breastfeeding to a more predictable feeding routine. This benefits both you and the caregivers, helping them anticipate your baby’s feeding…

How to Create a Lactation Friendly Culture at Work
Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

How to Create a Lactation Friendly Culture at Work

Pumping parents know a thing or two about stress, so this Stress Awareness Month, we want to help you make the transition back into the workplace as painless as possible. A New Mom’s Healthy Returns study revealed that 4 out of 5 employees want better breastfeeding support from their employer. Among the most important: having a flexible schedule upon returning to work and having breastfeeding benefits, such as breast milk shipping and space to comfortably accommodate multiple pumping moms. HR…

Take the Damn Leave
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Employers

Take the Damn Leave

Leading by Example Means Taking Paternity Leave With Father’s Day just around the corner, we want to bring attention to the issue of paid family leave in the U.S. and, specifically, paternity leave. Who better to talk about this important issue than our friend, Andrew Doan, a dad of three and one of the founders of Bokee, the one-handed bottle prep accessory. I wanted to take a minute to talk about the issue of paid family leave in the US…

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents

McHenry, IL March 04, 2020— A survey of more than 2,000 working moms found that a majority of women feel they lack the support they need to continue breast milk feeding when they return to work after baby. The survey, conducted in January 2020 by Medela, Mamava, and Milk Stork – the partners behind New Moms’ Healthy Returns— sought to better understand the challenges breastfeeding mothers face when returning to work, as well as to identify opportunities for employers to…

Moms’ Equal Pay Day, June 10th, 2019
Family Health, Current News, Employers

Moms’ Equal Pay Day, June 10th, 2019

Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day. This day marks how far into 2019 moms must work to catch up to make what dads earned in 2018. Coined the “motherhood penalty” by sociologists, this wage gap refers to the systematic disadvantages working mothers face – working moms are less likely to be hired, less likely to be perceived as competent at their jobs, and less likely to receive equal pay and benefits, as compared to working dads and even fellow women…

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