WEBINAR | Breaking the Stigma: How to Talk About Breastfeeding with Your Employees: How to Talk About Breastfeeding with Your Employees
By Milk Stork Team on July 26, 2024
By Milk Stork Team on July 26, 2024
Traveling while you’re still breastfeeding can seem off-putting. In fact, it sounds quite overwhelming. Luckily, thankfully, there are mothers out there who know how to play the game. In this case, our mom is Sara Novak, and she shares her ultimate guide to traveling while breastfeeding. The name of the game: planning ahead. First, she breaks down the most important question: What should bring? When traveling, the following are not luxuries, they are necessary to ensure pumping success. 1) A…
Breastfeeding and traveling actually go together quite well–when you are bringing your baby, that is. When you are traveling WITHOUT your baby and you are still a breastfeeding mama, things get complicated. That is why I wanted to share my advice for how I managed to make sure Aurora was fed, to keep my supply up, and to safely bring all my milk back home while I was traveling. Firstly, breastfeeding shouldn’t keep you from traveling. It is not easy…
California has several important legal protections for nursing mothers returning to work after maternity leave. It’s incredibly important that your HR department is aware of, and willingly compliant in, providing breastfeeding mothers with the benefits they are lawfully entitled to receive. Consider this your CliffsNotes® guide to California employment laws that protect breastfeeding. Each section provides an overview on one of three main laws with direct links to the associated policy. These laws focus on ensuring time and accommodations to…