Milk Stork Blog

Pumping & Feeding

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

With return-to-office mandates in full swing, employees are adjusting to a new reality—and breastfeeding parents in particular are facing unique challenges. For breastfeeding employees, the abrupt shift back to in-office work means quickly navigating pumping schedules, finding private spaces, and ensuring they have the time they need to express breast milk. For employers, it means acting fast to ensure compliance with federal laws like the PUMP Act. Understanding the PUMP Act The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) Act, signed into…

The Trials and Tribulations of Being an Out-of-Town Milk Factory
Travel Tips, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

The Trials and Tribulations of Being an Out-of-Town Milk Factory

Do you want to know a little secret? A secret that a lot of moms might not admit to out loud? Sometimes, we look forward to business trips. As hard as it is to imagine leaving our sweet babies at home—there’s also a lot to look forward to. Like getting a full night’s sleep. Or, taking a shower without constantly feeling like you hear a baby crying. Or, savoring an amazing meal and talking to adults. Or, watching a movie…

Breast Milk Guidelines for Pumping Supermoms
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Breast Milk Guidelines for Pumping Supermoms

This is for all the high-powered mamas. The ones with a double (not-so-secret) identity: kick ass employee and Supermom. You know who you are. We know who you are. We’re rocking the same cape, with no time to waste—jobs to be done and little humans to keep happy, healthy and growing into the world-changers we know they’ll become. That’s why it’s so important to know the ins and outs of pumping because while everyone says there’s no use crying over…

Jot it Down: How a Breastfeeding Journal Can Help You Transition Back to Work
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Jot it Down: How a Breastfeeding Journal Can Help You Transition Back to Work

There’s nothing better than having your baby nestled in your arms, looking up at you as he or she nurses, knowing that you are the one providing the nourishment your child needs. It’s a pretty empowering feeling, right? But, eventually, the time comes to return to work and no matter how much you love your career, returning to work after maternity leave is one of the toughest transitions we face as working moms – physically, emotionally and logistically. It’s difficult…

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