Milk Stork Blog

Pumping & Feeding

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

RTO Reality Check: Is Your Office Compliant with the PUMP Act for Breastfeeding Employees?

With return-to-office mandates in full swing, employees are adjusting to a new reality—and breastfeeding parents in particular are facing unique challenges. For breastfeeding employees, the abrupt shift back to in-office work means quickly navigating pumping schedules, finding private spaces, and ensuring they have the time they need to express breast milk. For employers, it means acting fast to ensure compliance with federal laws like the PUMP Act. Understanding the PUMP Act The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) Act, signed into…

The Best Breast Milk Coolers of 2021
Travel Tips, Pumping & Feeding

The Best Breast Milk Coolers of 2021

The right equipment will save your sanity, time, and milk, especially as we resume in-person activities (including returning to our offices). A quality cooler makes the difference between bringing milk home or dumping that liquid gold down the drain after a hot summer day or a delayed flight. There are 1,000,001 cooler options on the market (but who’s counting?) and no great way for a working mom to weed through all of the options. So we scoured the internet, read…

5 Tips to Make Your Breast Pumping Journey More Eco-Friendly
Pumping & Feeding

5 Tips to Make Your Breast Pumping Journey More Eco-Friendly

Breast milk is the most optimal source of nutrition for your baby, and the most planet-friendly since it can be done without packaging, manufacturing, and transportation. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for pumping. From the pump and all the accessories to refrigeration and milk storage, to sanitizing and cleaning, pumping relies on energy, plastic, and detergent. But there are ways to lessen the carbon footprint of your pumping journey. Here are 5 tips to address some of the biggest…

New Research Shows Human Milk Contains Long-Lasting, Potent Antibodies against COVID-19
Pumping & Feeding, Current News

New Research Shows Human Milk Contains Long-Lasting, Potent Antibodies against COVID-19

NEW YORK — March 23, 2021 — A new study shows that milk from lactating mothers who were previously infected with COVID-19 contains long-lasting COVID-19 antibodies capable of blocking virus infection, which was published on MedRxiv. The research, led by Rebecca Powell, PhD, Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is a continuation of preliminary work earlier in the pandemic that demonstrated that after infection, nearly all women produce a particularly potent type…

5 Best Breast Pumps of 2021
Pumping & Feeding

5 Best Breast Pumps of 2021

Choosing the right breast pump can make a huge difference in successfully expressing your liquid gold and nursing your baby. Here are 5 quality pumps that we recommend and may be covered by your health insurance. Not all pumps are created equal! We also suggest you check out THESE tips from the Breastfeeding USA website on how to choose the right pump before making a decision. Pump In Style® with MaxFlow™ Breast Pump Medela Pump In Style with MaxFlow Price:…

How to Survive Daylight Savings Time, Easy Tips from a Sleep Consultant
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How to Survive Daylight Savings Time, Easy Tips from a Sleep Consultant

We are so excited to talk to Michelle McNeil, a mom of three, registered nurse, and pediatric sleep consultant, about something all parents need more of, SLEEP! From development during the Wonder Years to tips on how to gradually shift your child’s natural clock for daylight savings (this year it is the day after Halloween – BOOOO!) to managing sleep regression during the turmoil of a pandemic, Michelle is an incredible resource for families with babies and toddlers. Tell us…

How To Naturally Increase Your Milk Supply
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How To Naturally Increase Your Milk Supply

One of the early wonders of becoming a mother is the bonding and attachment that comes with breastfeeding your baby. Of course, every breastfeeding relationship is different. Whether it getting a good latch, surviving cluster feedings or establishing and maintaining your milk supply, breastfeeding often takes hard work and some good old fashioned trial and error to get things rolling and to keep ’em going. Breastfeeding is a supply and demand relationship. When feedings increase, your body responds to the…

How One Mom Tackled Breastfeeding in the NICU
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How One Mom Tackled Breastfeeding in the NICU

The United States has one of the highest rates to preterm births in the world. Each year approximately 1 in 10 U.S. babies are born too early — before 37 weeks. The moment they are born, these babies begin their journeys in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). For preemies, breast milk can be critically important to their progress, however, for the mothers of premature babies initiating milk production and breastfeeding can be extremely difficult. September is NICU Awareness Month…

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