Milk Stork Blog

Workplace Support

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting working parents is more than just the right thing to do—it’s a strategic business decision. Let's explore the importance of supporting working parents and the tangible benefits it brings to businesses with key insights from our webinar “How HR Leaders Can Unlock the Power and ROI of Parental Support Programs" with industry expert Kortney Ross. Legal Compliance: The Foundation Compliance with the PWFA and the Pump Act is the bottom floor of supporting working parents in your organization. These…

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

4 Out of 5 Working Moms Say Their Employers Could Better Support Breastfeeding Parents

McHenry, IL March 04, 2020— A survey of more than 2,000 working moms found that a majority of women feel they lack the support they need to continue breast milk feeding when they return to work after baby. The survey, conducted in January 2020 by Medela, Mamava, and Milk Stork – the partners behind New Moms’ Healthy Returns— sought to better understand the challenges breastfeeding mothers face when returning to work, as well as to identify opportunities for employers to…

Moms on a Mission – Audrey McLoghlin
Workplace Support

Moms on a Mission – Audrey McLoghlin

Audrey McLoghlin, founder of Frank & Eileen and Grayson, jokes that she should write a book called “How to Get up at 5 am. and Still be Late to the Office.” As a new mom and CEO of two retail brands, she says the challenge of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship “took her breath away.” But it also opened her eyes to what she calls an undeniable truth: women, especially moms, are real-life superheroes. “Growing up, my mom had three kids…

Free Breast Milk Shipping. You Know, The Way It’s Supposed to Be.
Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

Free Breast Milk Shipping. You Know, The Way It’s Supposed to Be.

Going back to work can be really tough. Everything seems different. Will you be able to get back into the old routine? Will you still receive the same amount of respect? Will you feel comfortable breast pumping at work? Will breast milk leak through your shirt? These are all valid questions. With everything running through your mind, remember to relax because you have rights. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) should have you covered. Employers within the FLSA’s purview are…

Rebecca Dunn-Levert
Family Health, Workplace Support

Rebecca Dunn-Levert

Ihave been traveling for work many times per year for many years. When I gave birth I knew that I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and it would be a challenge. When it was determined that my son had a milk allergy, I decided that there was no way I was turning back. He was about six weeks old so I was in pumping overdrive trying to pump as much milk reserves as possible. When I took my first trip I…

Moms on a Mission: Winnie Co-Founder
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

Moms on a Mission: Winnie Co-Founder

You, as a working mom, encounter unique challenges each day as you step foot from your home into the world. However, a community of driven moms who have been there and done that are here to impart wisdom gained through their years of experience. In our moms on a mission series, we gather advice from women who started companies, ran marathons, became experts and have developed into better employees due to becoming parents. Sara Mauskopf, CEO and Co-Founder of Winnie…

Why It’s Time to Make Your Company’s Breastfeeding Policies Public Knowledge
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support, Employers

Why It’s Time to Make Your Company’s Breastfeeding Policies Public Knowledge

So here you are, feeling like you’ve got this whole pumping-at-work thing under control. You’ve researched and adhered to the most recent pumping and breastfeeding workplace requirements. You’ve created a breastfeeding policy that lives in that giant binder of policies and procedures on your desk (and your hard drive). You’ve updated the company’s Intranet, so that a digital copy of the policy can be easily obtained by any employee who looks for it. And you may even have signage posted…

Rachel Kadlec
Family Health, Workplace Support

Rachel Kadlec

My story isn’t necessarily of a “super mom” traveling across the world for her career, but as a mom who just wanted to sneak away for a little alone time to rekindle the woman inside of me and the marriage that started our whole amazing family. I have three beautiful little boys, 4 years old, 2 years old and a newborn. This healthy, adorable little newborn really prefers MY company all.night.long. So, nursing, snuggling, nursing, snuggling, repeat, repeat, repeat. It…

Brit Williams
Family Health, Workplace Support

Brit Williams

I found Milk Stork as I was trying to prepare for an 8 day international work trip when my son was just 5 months. Prior to this trip, I had tried the whole pack my milk in a cooler and it was horrible. I was worried about my milk, TSA checked ALL my stuff and ALL of me and then took my ice packs because they weren’t “frozen” enough (and wouldn’t be the only time they took my ice packs…

Nicole Furlong
Family Health, Workplace Support

Nicole Furlong

I had just returned to work after having my second baby when I was informed that I was going to have two trips coming up each a week long. He was 5 months at the time of the trip and I was determined to continue breastfeeding for as long as I could. Luckily a co-worker told me about Milk Stork! It seemed easy enough and I was so excited to have a resource to send home my milk! Flash forward…

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