WEBINAR | How HR Leaders Can Unlock the Power and ROI of Parental Support Programs

By on June 4, 2024

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We're thrilled to announce our upcoming exclusive webinar with industry expert Kortney Ross. The webinar will focus on the critical importance of supporting working parents in today’s workforce. Join us on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 2pm ET/11am PT for this live 45-minute event!

Why Attend?

In this session, you will learn how implementing parental support programs not only ensures compliance with new laws but also drives significant business benefits. Kortney Ross will provide actionable insights and strategies to help your organization thrive by doing good for your employees.

What You’ll Take Away:

  • Understanding Compliance: Learn about the PUMP Act and Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and what these laws mean for your organization.
  • Business Impact: Discover how supporting working parents can lead to higher employee retention, satisfaction, and overall business performance.
  • Practical Implementation: Get actionable strategies for designing and implementing effective parental support programs in your workplace.
  • Success Stories: Hear real-world examples of companies that have successfully integrated these programs and seen measurable benefits.
  • Q&A Session: Engage with Kortney Ross in a live Q&A session to get your specific questions answered.

About Kortney Ross

Kortney Ross is a speaker, consultant, and trainer who helps leaders support working parents to create a workplace and culture that attracts and retains the best talent. As a mother of two, she understands the challenges of being a working parent. Kortney is on a mission to make the work world more inclusive and supportive for parents. She offers consultations for businesses, leadership training, parent resources, and custom learning design and development. Kortney also hosts the NextGen Work Culture podcast, where she discusses the realities of working parents and how to develop a supportive workplace culture.

Kortney Ross square

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