Milk Stork Blog

Limited Edition Cool Commuter: A Mother's Day Gift That Gives Back
Pumping & Feeding

Limited Edition Cool Commuter: A Mother's Day Gift That Gives Back

Milk Stork is excited to unveil a heartfelt initiative designed to support NICU families on their breastfeeding journey, our Limited Edition Cool Commuter, just in time for Mother's Day. We're donating proceeds to Hand to Hold, an incredible non-profit organization that provides personalized support before, during, and after a NICU stay to help ensure all NICU families thrive. The Challenges of Pumping for a NICU Baby Even on the best days, the breastfeeding journey can wrought filled with challenges. Breastfeeding…

Watch: Tips for Supermoms Traveling with Breast Milk
Travel Tips, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Watch: Tips for Supermoms Traveling with Breast Milk

Have a trip around the corner? We know that traveling away from your sweet bundle of joy can be a little stressful. That’s why we’ve put together this short list of tips for before, during, and after your trip so that things go as smoothly as possible while you’re away from your baby. Plan Your Stash and Backup There’s no such thing as being too prepared, especially when it comes to breast milk. Whether you are stockpiling or shipping your…

Rachel Kadlec
Family Health, Workplace Support

Rachel Kadlec

My story isn’t necessarily of a “super mom” traveling across the world for her career, but as a mom who just wanted to sneak away for a little alone time to rekindle the woman inside of me and the marriage that started our whole amazing family. I have three beautiful little boys, 4 years old, 2 years old and a newborn. This healthy, adorable little newborn really prefers MY company all.night.long. So, nursing, snuggling, nursing, snuggling, repeat, repeat, repeat. It…

Brit Williams
Family Health, Workplace Support

Brit Williams

I found Milk Stork as I was trying to prepare for an 8 day international work trip when my son was just 5 months. Prior to this trip, I had tried the whole pack my milk in a cooler and it was horrible. I was worried about my milk, TSA checked ALL my stuff and ALL of me and then took my ice packs because they weren’t “frozen” enough (and wouldn’t be the only time they took my ice packs…

Nicole Furlong
Family Health, Workplace Support

Nicole Furlong

I had just returned to work after having my second baby when I was informed that I was going to have two trips coming up each a week long. He was 5 months at the time of the trip and I was determined to continue breastfeeding for as long as I could. Luckily a co-worker told me about Milk Stork! It seemed easy enough and I was so excited to have a resource to send home my milk! Flash forward…

Beth Smith
Family Health, Workplace Support

Beth Smith

Breastfeeding is wonderful, beneficial…and hard. Traveling is a part of my job, and I was very anxious about how to get milk to my son while I was away. I pumped in 5 countries and 14 states. In cars, planes, and a cruise ship. And MilkStork helped make it happen. Milk Stork is a game-changing service and every trip I took included a toted or shipped box of milk home. I also used MilkStork’s sample work expense request letter as…

Cory N.
Family Health, Workplace Support

Cory N.

I had my son Brock on 12/20/17. After just starting with a new company and as the bread winner, I had NO maternity and was required to use all my vacation time in lieu of an alternative. I spent three short weeks with my newborn son. My job requires I travel 60% of the time and am on plane after plane. This gave me so much anxiety initially. I believe whole heartedly in the benefits of breast milk over formula…

Elizabeth Keehart Bertani
Workplace Support, Employers

Elizabeth Keehart Bertani

I had signed up to go on my oldest son’s 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. before I thought about the fact that I would still be breastfeeding our 7 month old. While trying to figure out the logistics of how I was going to manage pumping and then getting milk back to Missouri, I stumbled across an ad for Milk Stork. The boxes were waiting at our hotel when I checked in. FedEx was being a bit difficult…

The Working Mother Quotes We Love
Family Health, Workplace Support

The Working Mother Quotes We Love

As working moms, we know all too well that time to ourselves can be prrretty tough to come by. Every minute of every day belongs to someone else, from those middle-of-the-night feeding sessions to those middle-of-the-day lunch meetings. Victoria Beckham (yes, Victoria Beckham) nailed it with the working mother quotes when she said, “Like so many working mothers all over the world, I feel the constant struggle to be the best mother I can, whilst setting a good example for…

The Trials and Tribulations of Being an Out-of-Town Milk Factory
Travel Tips, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

The Trials and Tribulations of Being an Out-of-Town Milk Factory

Do you want to know a little secret? A secret that a lot of moms might not admit to out loud? Sometimes, we look forward to business trips. As hard as it is to imagine leaving our sweet babies at home—there’s also a lot to look forward to. Like getting a full night’s sleep. Or, taking a shower without constantly feeling like you hear a baby crying. Or, savoring an amazing meal and talking to adults. Or, watching a movie…

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