Milk Stork Blog

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting Working Parents: A Smart Business Strategy

Supporting working parents is more than just the right thing to do—it’s a strategic business decision. Let's explore the importance of supporting working parents and the tangible benefits it brings to businesses with key insights from our webinar “How HR Leaders Can Unlock the Power and ROI of Parental Support Programs" with industry expert Kortney Ross. Legal Compliance: The Foundation Compliance with the PWFA and the Pump Act is the bottom floor of supporting working parents in your organization. These…

Your Ultimate Guide to Traveling While Breastfeeding
Travel Tips, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Your Ultimate Guide to Traveling While Breastfeeding

Traveling while you’re still breastfeeding can seem off-putting. In fact, it sounds quite overwhelming. Luckily, thankfully, there are mothers out there who know how to play the game. In this case, our mom is Sara Novak, and she shares her ultimate guide to traveling while breastfeeding. The name of the game: planning ahead. First, she breaks down the most important question: What should bring? When traveling, the following are not luxuries, they are necessary to ensure pumping success. 1) A…

Free Breast Milk Shipping. You Know, The Way It’s Supposed to Be.
Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

Free Breast Milk Shipping. You Know, The Way It’s Supposed to Be.

Going back to work can be really tough. Everything seems different. Will you be able to get back into the old routine? Will you still receive the same amount of respect? Will you feel comfortable breast pumping at work? Will breast milk leak through your shirt? These are all valid questions. With everything running through your mind, remember to relax because you have rights. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) should have you covered. Employers within the FLSA’s purview are…

Moms’ Equal Pay Day, June 10th, 2019
Family Health, Current News, Employers

Moms’ Equal Pay Day, June 10th, 2019

Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day. This day marks how far into 2019 moms must work to catch up to make what dads earned in 2018. Coined the “motherhood penalty” by sociologists, this wage gap refers to the systematic disadvantages working mothers face – working moms are less likely to be hired, less likely to be perceived as competent at their jobs, and less likely to receive equal pay and benefits, as compared to working dads and even fellow women…

Rebecca Dunn-Levert
Family Health, Workplace Support

Rebecca Dunn-Levert

Ihave been traveling for work many times per year for many years. When I gave birth I knew that I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and it would be a challenge. When it was determined that my son had a milk allergy, I decided that there was no way I was turning back. He was about six weeks old so I was in pumping overdrive trying to pump as much milk reserves as possible. When I took my first trip I…

Introducing International Pump and Check: A Letter from Our Founder

Introducing International Pump and Check: A Letter from Our Founder

Dear Milk Stork Moms, Five years ago, I started Milk Stork because when it comes to business travel, I didn’t want moms to have to choose between nourishing their babies and their careers. I knew I needed to solve the annoying logistics of pumping and traveling to make life a little bit easier for breastfeeding, working, traveling moms. To date, Milk Stork has shipped over 1.8 million ounces of breast milk, we support over 400 companies, and represent over 12,000…

How to Travel While Breastfeeding, Advice from Kelley Ferro
Travel Tips, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

How to Travel While Breastfeeding, Advice from Kelley Ferro

Breastfeeding and traveling actually go together quite well–when you are bringing your baby, that is. When you are traveling WITHOUT your baby and you are still a breastfeeding mama, things get complicated. That is why I wanted to share my advice for how I managed to make sure Aurora was fed, to keep my supply up, and to safely bring all my milk back home while I was traveling. Firstly, breastfeeding shouldn’t keep you from traveling. It is not easy…

A Note from YouthfulNest on Designing the Family Room @ SXSW
Press, Family Health, Pumping & Feeding, Current News

A Note from YouthfulNest on Designing the Family Room @ SXSW

When Milk Stork reached out to me to partner with them in designing the Milk Stork Family Room @ SXSW, I was thrilled! The Milk Stork brand is providing a much-needed service that supports motherhood in a way that could only have been realized by a woman whose own personal experience in trying to make it all work — breastfeed and travel for business — resulted in the creation of something innovative and revolutionary. This is something that I can…

Mom (and Dad) on a Mission
Family Health

Mom (and Dad) on a Mission

You, as a working mom, encounter unique challenges each day as you step out of your home and into the world. However, a community of driven moms who have been there and done that are here to impart wisdom gained through years of experience. In our moms on a mission series, we gather advice from women who have started companies, ran marathons, become experts and developed into better employees and employers, all because they became parents. Amy Henderson, CEO and…

Crazy Pumping Stories
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Crazy Pumping Stories

If you are one of our faithful Instagram followers, then you have been exposed to some of the crazy pumping stories we have posted over the past few months. As you can imagine, there are many more where those came from! It is insane how dedicated all you mamas are — between the places and situations you’ve found yourselves in while trying to get milk to your baby, we are in awe of you, and can’t help but continue to…

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