Milk Stork Blog

Posts by Milk Stork Team

Breastfeeding Support Drives 58% Higher Retention of New Moms Compared to National Average

Breastfeeding Support Drives 58% Higher Retention of New Moms Compared to National Average

HR leaders know that supporting working parents is the right thing to do, but when it comes to getting the budget approved, the conversation often shifts to metrics, ROI, and hard numbers. How can you effectively make the case for supporting breastfeeding employees when decision-makers need to see tangible business outcomes? Our new white paper, The ROI of Investing in Breastfeeding Support: The Business Case for HR Managers, offers the data and insights you need to present a compelling argument…

Inclusive Lactation Support for LGBTQ Parents
Family Health, Pumping & Feeding

Inclusive Lactation Support for LGBTQ Parents

At Milk Stork, we talk a lot about diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s top of mind for the 870+ companies we work with that know breast milk shipping is more than just a “nice-to-have”—it can make a world of a difference for work travel or parents planning their return from parental leave. When it comes to inclusive family benefits, most people talk about fertility benefits and paid parental leave. But all too often, surrogacy and adoption are missing from the…

Your Lactation Rights: Get the Support You Need
Workplace Support

Your Lactation Rights: Get the Support You Need

It’s on all of us to normalize breastfeeding — whether you’re a brand new parent, a parent who pumped years ago, or an ally to the parent community — speaking out and supporting one another is key for a healthy and safe future. Now more than ever, a lack of lactation support is a growing concern as the pandemic wanes and workplaces begin to reopen. If you’re a pumping parent heading back to the office, it’s crucial to know your…

10 Tips for Building Up Your Stash of Frozen Breast Milk
Pumping & Feeding

10 Tips for Building Up Your Stash of Frozen Breast Milk

Whether you are stockpiling your breast milk in preparation for returning to work, traveling, or just for the security of having a backup milk supply, here are our ten tips to help you build up your freezer stash while you are nursing. Pump in the morning when your supply is at its highest. After your baby is fully fed, continue to pump off extra milk for another 10–15 mins — it will add up! Stay consistent with your pumping— going…

Tips for Pumping Breast Milk While Traveling
Travel Tips, Pumping & Feeding

Tips for Pumping Breast Milk While Traveling

What you need for pumping on the plane: A diaper bag with your pump, bottles, and accessories Comfortable clothing that provides easy access Ziplock bags — these will come in handy when you’re storing your used accessories Wet wipes for easy cleanups Nursing blanket or a coverup to keep things discreet A good cooler bag to store your milk Flying with breast milk is allowed. Know your rights! Here is TSA’s policy for Screening Formula, Breast Milk, and Juice. Printing…

How to Donate Breast Milk
Pumping & Feeding

How to Donate Breast Milk

If you are producing more liquid gold than your baby can consume, consider this a blessing! As a nursing mom, you already know the benefits of breast milk but did you know you can donate your extra milk and help other families in need? In fact, women have been sharing breast milk for as long as humans have walked the earth. Here’s some info on how, where, and why to donate breast milk! Milk Banks Milk Banks serve as a…

7 Best Hotels for Pumping Parents
Travel Tips

7 Best Hotels for Pumping Parents

As COVID-19 restrictions are slowly lifting across the country, pumping parents are once again beginning to take flight. Experts predict the massive surge of travel this summer will continue, with business travel beginning to rebound in the fall. So know before you go! Read THIS helpful article of things you should consider before planning and heading out on your next adventure. Breastfeeding parents know a hotel room can make or break pumping logistics. So with that in mind, here are…

Best Online Breastfeeding Groups and Resources for Moms
Pumping & Feeding

Best Online Breastfeeding Groups and Resources for Moms

While breastfeeding is a natural bonding experience between a newborn and a new mother, it doesn’t always come easily or naturally. So if you are struggling with lactation and latching, know that this is absolutely normal and you are definitely not alone! Your breastfeeding journey should be as unique as you, so we rounded up 8 websites and online groups where you can ask questions, share your frustrations (and success stories!), vent, cry, and get support from other breastfeeding parents…

5 Things You Need to Know About Flying with Breast Milk
Travel Tips, Pumping & Feeding, Workplace Support

5 Things You Need to Know About Flying with Breast Milk

As we embark on a new post-pandemic reality, many of us are eager to leave our houses, unplug from Zoom, and hit the skies for summer vacation. If you gave birth during this unusual time, it may be baby’s first vacation and the first for you as a breastfeeding mom — so before you jetset, here’s what you need to know about flying with breast milk. 1. What is Actually Allowed to Be Carried On? Breast milk, formula, and juice…

The Sleep Survival Guide for Moms — 6 Ways to Prioritize Sleep
Family Health, Workplace Support

The Sleep Survival Guide for Moms — 6 Ways to Prioritize Sleep

In a survey we conducted back in September 2020, 93% of moms reported getting less than 8 hours of sleep a night! With higher levels of stress, increased screen time, and major lifestyle changes (like kids buzzing around at home all day), parents — moms in particular — are battling coronasomnia. So whether you’re a new parent or you’ve been around the block a couple of times already, here are 6 ways to consistently prioritize sleep, in what will notably…

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